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Anti Christ:
• Will suffer a deadly wound and resurrect, Mock of Christ's death and resurrection
•Was a one world religion, language, one leader Nimrod ( was destroyed just like we will be in end of times when this is in place)
• Must prepare kingdom (world) for the antichrist to take his seat
•known as this great western hemisphere prophesied by Plato ( who believed in an eventual one world philosophic empire in future, a resurrection of the old religions in the western hemisphere) and written about by greek biographer Plutarch (Christopher Columbus did not "find" America?)
• Governor Dewitt Clinton of New York spoke about mounds and evidence of civilizations that pre date the Indians in the 1800s (majority worshipped a plumed serpent god Quetzalcóatl ) .
• Freedom of religion for secret societies to set up policy and grow not our God of the bible?
•lieutenant colonel Robert l. McGinnis spoke about founding fathers being deep state (shadow government)
•an occult view about bringing forth a certain type of system (beast system) and goal of ancient philosophers for everyone to be living under one basic ruler (why God didn't want Israelites to have a king?)
• the bible gives us direction and guidelines on how to make it here how to pray, how to communicate how to worship, in old testament very specific details on how to build the temple, "they" are the complete opposite and against God but same practices and directions
American Presidents
George Washington:
• Washington's pastor said he was a deist not christian, what god did he serve? Also a free mason, part of the Alexandrian lodge in Virginia.
• had masonic funeral where they cast sprigs of acacia to signify him going to land of Osiris in the underworld ( study the death and funeral of Washington, there were 2, 2 different eulogies, masonic eulogy by Timothy Bigelow Jr
• the masons believed he was the first Osiris but not the last
•he did not renounce the masonic lodge only the British lodge not the American
•he wasn't buried in his crypt, crypt of washington at basement level of capital building in Washington DC (ancient Egyptian magic) portrait of 'apotheosis*the elevation of a person to the rank of a god; deification. 2. glorification of a person or thing. 3. a glorified ideal.* of george washington'
• Walt Whitman said Washington was becoming the Osiris
Washington DC
• Thomas Jefferson designed Washington to honor the pantheon of old pagan god (on record library congress) Investigate "the most approved plan"
the city of DC was literally built as a massive ritualistic chess board to do public rituals in mass (the Washington monument total height above ground and below 666 ft? 555ft above ground and 111 underground, in the base of it is the magic apollonian square that they believe can bind certain things goes back to resurrection of Apollo who is also Osiris
•Heredom in Washington
•one red flag, no statues of crosses and apostles there all deities etc
Bohemian Grove
•late 1800s early 1900s
•the cremation of care ritual
•equivalent to high place in old testament
•strange ritual dating back to ancient Egypt called Osiris rising or Rising of Osiris, (Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard was in desert perfoming this ritual?)
•news articles of egyptian and tibetan artifacts, treasures and heiroglyphs , also giant mummies coming out of grand canyon in late 1800 and early 1900s
skinwalker ranch
the world’s most mysterious hot spot for UFO and “High Strangeness” phenomena
Bermuda Triangle
Mohawk institute residential school in Ontario
mermaids discussed in an official parliamentary committe in Zimbabwe
abraham lincoln
wife had seances in the red room
•"The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of america have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now." Abraham lincoln
Medicine Men
•entering into a fourth world a time when giants will return and reanimate at a time of great tribulation
•Clifford Mahooty zuni pueblo elder states there were giants
•The medicine men from tribes meet to visit a stargate
•eastern us was had thousands of mounds in early times that during 1800-1900 giant bones were discovered and written about in news articles
•based in washington dc
•founded 1846
•"established for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men" -James Smithson founder, smithsonian institute
•quickly hijacked in its earlier years by darwinist doctrinares and isolationism
•john wesley powell director of the bureau of ethnology (greatest proponent of isolationism) in the 1800 under his direction any artifacts found that contradicted the theories of evolution or isolationism was either destroyed or concealed in the vaults of the institution
•congress commisioned the smithsonian in 1881 to conduct a widespread archaelogical investigation into the mounds because of the articles about giants and granted exclusive control over mounds and artifacts taking it away from universities etc
•LOOK UP-annual report of the board of regents of the smithsonian institutuion showing the operations, expenditures, and condition of the institution for the years 1873-1877
ALSO- fifth annual report of the bureau of ethnology to the secretary of the smithosonian institution 1883-1884
ALSO- twelfth annual report of the bureau of ethnology to the secretary of the smithsonian institution 1894
all show excavation proof of giants and records