Right VS Left?

"In God we trust, all others we monitor." - Intercept operator's motto (NSA study, Deadly Transmissions, December 1970)

People do not realize that in Nazi Germany, Christians supported and was complacent at the rise and reign of Hitler. If history has taught us anything it should be that being caught up by emotion and not utilizing critical thinking, we can be led like sheep to the slaughter. Deception is a lot easier when your targets are emotionally and spiritually drained. Don't let the chaos suck you in. 

‘Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. They know that America is not a place of which it can be said, as it used to be, that a man may choose his own calling and pursue it just as far as his abilities enable him to pursue it; because to-day, if he enters certain fields, there are organizations which will use means against him that will prevent his building up a business which they do not want to have built up; organizations that will see to it that the ground is cut from under him and the markets shut against him."
-The New Freedom by Woodrow Wilson, 1961

Deceptive Tactics?

Looking around at the current political climate, do you think these things are not purposeful? Everyone divided on every front, protests, media propaganda, controlled health information and big tech censorship. Things may seem disorganized and chaotic, but rest assured, the very top pulling these strings know exactly what they are doing.

Here are a couple of articles about using movements known as color revolutions to overthrow governments. Anything sound familiar?

Color Revolutions 101: The Making Of A Controlled Revolution (March 5, 2014)

The Color Revolution Model: An Exposé of the Core Mechanics (December 3, 2014)

Trust The Plan?

"Golitsyn argued that the Western view of Soviet Bloc events at the height of the Cold War was based on a projection --- misinformation --- emanating from Moscow itself, an effort to present --- through press reports, diplomatic cocktail conversations, controlled defectors" 

'Operation Trust'
Center For Intelligence Studies

I would argue, on a global scale these things are being done for an even more nefarious reason. Biblically speaking, it is all geared toward Revelation prophecy. 

When everything seems to be smoke and mirrors, moments of extreme deception, the only TRUTH is in God's Word. Anything else;  politicians, leaders, actors, friends, family, you will know them by their fruit.

The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
Isaiah 11:2

If you have not figured out by now, there is such a thing as controlled opposition. As Christians we all know eventually that a beast system will be in full control. Knowing that should leave you skeptical about whatever political party you identify with. 
14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.   2 Corinthians 11:14-15

Which direction are we headed in? What do we really know about our leaders? What has history taught us? 

 6 Corportations own 90% of the media in America.  "The fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates "the illusion of choice," 
 -Business Insider

When you control the information that people consume, you control the people. To think otherwise is naive. 
Marxist Media Theory- Media professionals (including those managers who run the media institutions) consider themselves to be autonomous, but their views reflect those of a controlling elite which determines not just what views are broadcast, but also the perspective from which media debates are framed.- Oxford Reference

( The only thing I take as Gospel, is THE GOSPEL. Deception is real, these people and what is driving them from behind the scenes are smarter than we will ever be. That is why it is imperative we lean on Christ and not on what WE THINK WE KNOW. )

" Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand."  Mathew 12:25


You have to ask yourself why. Why do certain laws get passed, what is the end game?
Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas. -Joseph Stalin

United States:

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)

United States

The government does not need a warrant to detain you. The government does not have to produce any record of your detention. The military, unlike the police, does not need to take record of your arrest.
-Occupy Corporatism

The amendment — proposed by Mac Thornberry (R-Texas) and Adam Smith (D-Wash.) and passed in the House last Friday afternoon — would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. -Business Insider

Noahide Law

With but a few exceptions, the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation.
The Jewish Enyclopedia

Uniting The United Nations with Seven Noahide Laws
Diplomats, Delegates, and Emissaries Gather at UN Headquarters for "One People, One World" Conference


Allows USPTO to keep patents deemed “detrimental to the national security” 

Supreme Court Ruling

Answer to oral arguments on the question of whether isolated human genes are patent-eligible subject matter in April 2013.

Senate Kills GOP Legislation To Prohibit ‘Certain Human-Animal Chimeras’

The amendment defines “human-animal chimera,” as various combinations of human and non-human DNA, such as a human embryo “into which… nonhuman cells… have been introduced,” making the species of the embryo “uncertain.”

National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism

National Security Council

June 2021

USA Patriot Act of 2001

(Interesting how now, they are redefining who is a "terrorist", in small steps, people do not pay attention or notice)

Law enforcement agencies are empowered with the means to conduct secret searches, surveillance of telephone and Internet communications, and acquisition of individuals’ private records (including medical and student records) without probable cause for the purpose of intelligence-gathering. One example of the federal government’s extensive reach involved its controversial seizure of telephone and cell phone records from telephone companies without being required to show reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

Read Article

Strengthening the Global Architecture for Health Emergency Preparedness, Response and Resilience

W.H.O March 24, 2022

World Health Organization

H.R.6666 - COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act

116 Congress May 1, 2020 

To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to establish the Insider Threat Program, and for other purposes.

115 Congress

International Health Regulations (2005) Third Edition

W.H.O January 1, 2016

Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies

April 12, 2022

Assembly Bill 2223

This legislation removes all penalties from anyone violating any abortion health and safety standards when performing an abortion on a woman through all nine months of pregnancy. The bill also hampers law enforcement's ability to investigate and prosecute infanticide.


An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)

In 2021, the Canadian parliament enacted Bill C-7, which greatly expanded the valid reasons for medically assisted suicide. Coined as a “sweeping euthanasia law,” the bill removed most restrictions and made it possible for Canadians to legally be euthanized based on their living situation.

British Columbia:


 Health Professions and Occupations Act (HPOA), will make it a crime for medical professionals to give their patients advice that conflicts with the government’s official narrative.

Justice Center

"It was neither the 284 parliaments nor populations, nor the course of nature, nor the course of events, that overthrew the throne of Louis Philip … The throne was surprised by the secret societies, ever prepared to ravage Europe … The secret associations are always vigilant and always prepared."

-Lord George Bentinck: A Political Biography” from 1872:

Written By UK Prime Minister/ Free Mason Benjamin Disraeli

What are the roots of the current governments?


The American republic was founded on a set of beliefs that were tested during the Revolutionary War. Among them was the idea that all people are created equal, whether European, Native American, or African American, and that these people have fundamental rights, such as liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, due process of law, and freedom of assembly. -Library of Congress

The Declaration of Independence; The ConstitutionThe Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, all serve as evidence that it was founded as a Christian nation.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

-Thomas Jefferson

Who was Jefferson referring to when speaking of God? The God of the bible, or of his? When reading Jefferson's Bible it is concerning about the "Christian" foundations on which some of the founding fathers believed. Most did not question their agenda because others intent was not malicious. That doesn't mean that one cannot mislead by words having a hidden agenda. That old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" comes to mind. A lot of history is not even discussed,( I would argue purposely ) for instance, the fact that Washington DC was designed (Historic Sites) to honor the Pantheon ? Our whole belief that America was founded on Christian doctrine, why no biblical architecture? What belief did the founding fathers subscribe to? 
Lets start breaking down exactly who they were and what history reveals about the very people who structured the democratic government of the United States:

Thomas Jefferson- Jefferson’s Bible focused on Jesus as a man of morals, a teacher whose truths were expressed without the help of miracles or the supernatural powers of God. -History.com

George Washington-Washington joined Freemasonry in the Lodge at Fredericksburg, Virginia. He was 20 years old when he received the first degree of Entered Apprentice on November 4, 1752.- MountVernon.org

John Adams-"Dear sir I thank you for your Attention to my request and for the trouble you have taken in writing the Letter & I hope the Post Office will not be robbed by any of the Societies of ILLUMINATI, German Union, United Irishmen &c who are Said to be so inquisitive in Post offices in America as well as Europe."  -Founders Archives

Alexander Hamilton-He viewed the states as permanent adversaries, and that, if he could, he would enhance national power at the expense of the states by stripping them of their remaining sovereignty. -Society For History

•Benjamin Franklin-"he fervently dedicated to the craft as an active Mason for 60 years"- FreeMason.com

•James Madison- Madison never became a church member, but in maturity he expressed a preference for Unitarianism. - Britannica

•John Jay

•Samuel Adams

Additionally: John Hancock(Became a Mason in Merchants Lodge No. 277), Gouverneur Morris, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere (Mason leader Massachusetts chapter), George Mason, Charles Carroll, Patrick Henry, John Marshall and Abigail Adams.

 All together it is believed that about nine of the fifty-six men (16%) that signed the Declaration of Independence were masons, and about thirteen of the thirty-nine (33%) that signed the US Constitutions were also masons.-Sarasota Lodge 147

You have 20 U.S. Presidents who belonged to secret societies, exactly how much influence did these institutions have? Some of their wives sought the council of astrologers, and new age mysticism, why does it matter?

Abraham Lincoln's wife Mary Todd held séances in the Red Room of the Whitehouse:
"There is evidence to suggest that she hosted as many as eight séances in the White House and that her husband was even in attendance for a few of them."- WhiteHouseHistory.org

More than one of the first ladies shared mystic beliefs that people knew about, what kind of impact did that have on their husband's decisions or moral compass?

Read more


How much faith do we put in the leaders of our countries? We voluntarily every year give them money through taxes, donations etc. without any oversight of exactly how each dollar is spent. 

When there is a recession, are the politicians feeling it? We pay their salaries and yet we are always the ones suffering the consequences. When gas goes through the roof and supply lines are disrupted, are they going without the necessities? Are they the ones deciding what bills to put off? 
Don't be mistaken, it is all political parties that are accountable for poor laws and decisions. It's pretty easy to make choices when its someone else's life/future your gambling with.
During shutdowns, did they loose their paychecks? When forcing laws on the people, do they abide by those same guidelines?
We elect different political groups thinking the outcome will change, but both sides still seem to gain ground somehow?

The Prussian Heresy: Ulbricht's Evolving System

This Intelligence Report combines historical research, intelligence analysis, and speculation. It traces Ulbricht's growing fascination with cybernetics and the cultivation of cybernetic capabilities in the GDR with his encouragement.

Research Documents:

"The shaping of the developed socialist social system has great theoretical significance....It requires our Party to prepare and implement the Marxist-Leninist social design to an extent never before known....What we need is a new way of thinking.
Walter Ulbricht, April 17, 1967 address to the Seventh Congress of the Solcialist Unity Party.


Some of this information comes from a scientific or biblical perspective that I may not subscribe to, but the resources and information gathered in them provide excellent data for research.

The Minds of Men

Government Programs, Scientist, CIA

Psychology: The Stanford Prison Experiment

"The study is the classic demonstration of the power of situations and systems to overwhelm good intentions of participants and transform ordinary, normal young men into sadistic guards or for those playing prisoners to have emotional breakdowns,"- BBC News

The Milgram Shock Experiment

Milgram (1963) examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II, Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on "obedience" - that they were just following orders from their superiors. -Simply Psychology

Pavlov’s Dog: The Experiment That Revolutionized Psychology

"Classical conditioning refers to the ability to control or trigger natural behaviors with a new stimulus"

The Noahide Law & Christians Allied Against Torah

Yossi Gurvitz: When Israel is Mighty

 Israeli citizen Yossi Gurvitz, a former Talmud (yeshiva) student confirms the racism, homicide and child molestation-advocacy in the Babylonian Talmud. -Noahide Laws

George Bush SR

New World Order Speech


They Tried To Warn Us (Lost Video From 1947) 1946 film shown to kids at school

KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America (1984)

Eye of the Phoenix: Secrets of the Dollar Bill