
Of all the ancient writings, most scholars agree that the Old Testament of the Bible is the oldest of religious books. It was first written at 1000 BC through 500 BC and the words were given by God to its writers. In comparison, most others are relatively young. Koran or al-Qur'an (holy book of Islam) was written in 650 AD. Veda (sacred scriptures of Hinduism) written 500 - 1000 BC. Tao-te-ching (Taoism book of philosophy) was mainly written by Lao-Tse, who is believed by many to be the founder of Taoism. Bahagavad Gita (Indian Hindu epic poem) between 200 BC - 200 AD.    - AllAboutTruth.org

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
Mathew 24:24


What do we really know about history? Ancient tribes, secret societies, witchcraft and giants? The influence of history matters. Why do they cover it up? Why do they operate in secret? So many questions, but the answers can be found in biblical text. A book written thousands of years ago laid out everything unfolding today and how these things that are hidden play into it.

"To deceive the people for the purpose for exploiting them, to enslave them and delay their progress, or prevent it, if possible, such is the crime of black magic"
Eliphas Levi, La Clef des Grands Mysteries 1861

The Nazi's were deep into the occult. In the Celle Neues Rathaus they were rumored to have hidden many valuable stolen artworks and artifacts at the end of the war. What was uncovered there was far worse than one can imagine.

In an effort to hide what they had been doing they flooded the lower levels. What the divers found in an expedition to investigate rattled the one survivor to the core.  There were pentagrams and pagan occult symbols etched into the walls, along with mutilated bodies strapped to chairs some with goat heads sewn or grafted onto the bodies.

Coincidence that such an evil regime was into the occult? Doubtful, the evil and hate that drives such men is the influence of the bowels of hell itself. 
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Sadly, this is only one story of the many that people do not talk about when it comes to the occult aspect of the Nazis. 

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12

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Most all occult rituals require blood, bones, and even corpses. Why? They believe they are charged supernaturally. Even in the bible Satan argues with the Archangel Michael about claiming rights to Moses bones.

Yet Michael the archangel, in contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!”  Jude 1:9

The ancient tribes and current occultists know the power that can be harnessed by using vile rituals and supernaturally charging objects. They cloak their activities by making people perceive it as "make believe" and keeping them ignorant of the workings on the other side. Until people begin to open their eyes to what the other side is doing, they will only continue and deceive people to their own demise.

25 The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. 26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. Deuteronomy 7:25-26

Obsidian ‘Spirit Mirror’ Used by Elizabeth I’s Court Astrologer Has Aztec Origins 

Tudor polymath John Dee used the artifact in his attempts to communicate with angels and apparitions

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Box found in Ohio garage held human bones over a century old that were used in rituals, police say

"The unidentified remains were used as relics during meetings of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Mount Healthy police said." 
See Also: LA Times

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May the Devil Take Yours Bones: Curses in Tanzania

Belief in curses such as may the devil take your bones and witchcraft often arises from a genuine fear or belief in supernatural forces. These beliefs may be deeply ingrained in cultural or religious traditions, leading individuals to perceive curses and witchcraft as real and potent forces capable of causing harm.

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The trade in body parts of people with albinism is driven by myth and international inaction

The hair and bones, genitals and thumbs of people with albinism are said to possess distinct powers.
See Also: ABC News

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The Norfolk church once used for Satanic rituals

Satanists had, it is said, ransacked the grave of a former rector, stealing his bones and were using the church for night-time rituals

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“I plunge, plunge without fail My blood-black sword into your soul. That art God neither wants nor wists, It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists. Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel: With Satan I have struck my deal.”
The Fiddler - Poem By Karl Marx 1837

“you go to where a road crosses that way, where a crossroads is. Get there, be sure to get there just a little ‘fore 12:00 that night so you’ll know you’ll be there. You have your guitar and be playing a piece there by yourself …A big black man will walk up there and take your guitar, and he’ll tune it. And then he’ll play a piece and hand it back to you. That’s the way I learned to play anything I want.”
-Tommy Johnson

"-he repaired one night to a crossroads in the Spesser Forest near Wittenberg. Between nine and ten o'clock he described certain circles with his staff and thus conjured up the Devil. Feigning anger at having been summoned against his will, the Devil arrived in the midst of a great storm. After the winds and lightning had subsided the Devil asked Dr. Faustus to reveal his will, to which the scholar replied that he was willing to enter into a pact."
Doctor Johann Faustus 1587

“One night I dreamed I had made a pact with the devil for my soul. Everything went as I desired: my new servant anticipated my every wish. I had the idea of giving him my violin to see if he might play me some pretty tunes, but imagine my astonishment when I heard a sonata so unusual and so beautiful, performed with such mastery and intelligence, on a level I had never before conceived was possible. I was so overcome that I stopped breathing and woke up gasping. Immediately I seized my violin, hoping to recall some shred of what I had just heard; but in vain. The piece I then composed is without a doubt my best, and I still call it “The Devil’s Sonata,” but it falls so far short of the one that stunned me that I would have smashed my violin and given up music forever if I could but have possessed it.”
- Giuseppe Tartini 

26 For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Mathew 16:26

20 And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the Lord.
1 Kings 21:20

6 And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.
Leviticus 20:6

Types of Divination:


Derived from the Greek anthropos ('man') and manteia ('divination'), this is a gruesome method of divination, by means of interpreting the entrails, particularly the intestines, of dead or dying men, women or children, through sacrifice. 


A wide-ranging class of divination, it is the art of foretelling future events by the observation of atmospheric, air or sky phenomena and/or conditions.


the art or practice of interpreting a person's character or predicting their future by examining the lines and other features of the hand, especially the palm and fingers.


The most common forms of Pyromancy involve divination by interpretation of the color, the shape, and the intensity of a fire into which sacred herbs, twigs, peas, or incense have been cast. When a sacrificial fire was used, this type of divination was called Empyromancy.


The art and practice of divining the past, the present and the future by means of interpreting cards ― regular playing cards, picture cards (atouts), fortune-telling cards or Zenner cards. The most popular form Cartomancy is the Tarot.


Derived from the Greek hudro ('hydro') and manteia ('divination'), it is the art and practice of divining the past, the present and the future with the aid of water.


Divination of dream interpretations.

Esoteric Astrology

Esoteric (from the Greek esoteros, meaning “inner”; derived from the Greek eso, meaning “within”) astrology is the general term for various schools of astrology whose practitioners view themselves as studying the “ancient wisdom” behind the science of the stars.

 Types of Operational Magic:

Alchemy (Hermetic Science)

is a type of lost and ancient magic utilized a thousand years ago by Alchemist, a group southern humans, or better known as Alchemist. Alchemy focuses on the use of symbols to cast spells for multiple uses.


1. A strong or spellbinding appeal; fascination. 2. Hypnotic induction believed to involve animal magnetism. 3. Hypnotism.
Mesmerism is defined by its proponents in the 19th century as a type of electricity in the mind which needs can be manipulated in order to directly influence the recipient. Using sorcery one is able to gain control of a persons mind implanting thoughts and ideas. Creating a fractured personality that can be turned on and off at will creating a golem.


 The art of raising the dead and controlling their spirits takes its name from Greek words meaning “dead” and “divination”. Necromancy is a form of magic involving communication with the deceased – either by summoning their spirit as an apparition or raising them bodily – for the purpose of: imparting the means to foretell future events


Working with spirits and/or gods in a ritual fashion to elicit spiritual or material effects. Theurgy is often accomplished through ritual sacrifice, sacred words, phrases, or chants, special (often secret) names, spells, specially constructed and consecrated items, sigils, seals, purification of mind, body, or soul, or most often rituals that incorporate any or all of the aforementioned aspects. These rituals can be simple or complicated and take anywhere from a few seconds to several months or years in extreme cases. Theurgy is more often used in reference to Hermetic practices specifically and generally to esoteric and not mainstream religious practices. It is the highest degree of occultism.

The more one digs, the deeper the rabbit hole goes.
The reason for this is because this was not just hatched over night. The evil that motivates these groups and secret societies is ancient and a master of illusion and deception. People shrug it off as conspiracy or fiction because it is hard to wrap your mind around the depths and depravity of some. Most people's minds do not work that way, and the concept is foreign to them. It doesn't make it any less true because you can't accept it, anymore than it will just go away by ignoring it. In fact, the very opposite is true. It's also designed to be that way. To control the information and disinformation by groups of people that are behind the scenes are meant to keep these things in the dark.  

"But what sceptics and agnostic Christians alike ignore is that besides the drawing room mediums, mediums for diversion, there are occultist, whose vile practices are veiled in the most profound mystery. These men, whose moral sense is absolutely perverted, believed in Lucifer, but believe him to be equal of God and worship him secretly"
Le Diable Au XIXe Siècle ou Les Mystères du Spiritisme

19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. 20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Revelation 19: 19-20

When did these societies begin?

The fall of man began with a lie and manipulation and unfortunately that is how it will end as well. Biblical prophecy discusses the rise and fall of civilization and the massive deception that will bring it about. Unfortunately what people do not realize is that in order for beast to achieve his goal, these "secret" societies had to be established.

"lt is useless to deny … a great part of Europe, the whole of Italy and France, and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries, are covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government. They do not want ameliorated institutions; they do not want provincial councils nor the recording of votes; they want … an end to ecclesiastical establishments "
-Benjamin Disraeli
UK Prime Minister/Free Mason

Ancient Empires & Tribes:
Interesting fact: A lot of churches were built on ancient sites, temples etc. Why?
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When Cahokia was at its peak 900 years ago, it was the largest city in what’s now the United States, a metropolis of about 15,000 people in southwestern Illinois, whose economic and cultural influence reached from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico.  But one of the many mysteries lingering among the city’s ruins, just outside modern-day St. Louis, is a burial mound excavated in the 1960s and found to contain more than 270 bodies — almost all of them young women killed as victims of human sacrifice. Dated to between 1000 and 1100 CE, their remains were mostly buried in large pits, laid out in neat rows, and bearing few signs of physical trauma, perhaps killed by strangulation or blood-letting.
-Western Digs


Other Roman writers also fixated on the Druids’ love of blood and gore. Pliny the Elder wrote of the Druids’ appreciation for both mistletoe and human sacrifice. “To murder a man was to do the act of highest devoutness,” he wrote, “and to eat his flesh was to secure the highest blessings of health.” Tacitus even described a battle in Wales in which Druids “[covered] their altars with the blood of captives and [consulted] their deities through human entrails.”
- National Geographic

The Carthaginians

According to the classical sources, the Carthaginians followed the Canaanite/Phoenician pantheon and strictly followed those rituals, which occasionally included the sacrifice of their own children. 
-Daily History

The Aztecs

In addition to slicing out the hearts of victims and spilling their blood on temple altars, the Aztecs likely also practiced a form of ritual cannibalism.

The Etruscans

Etruscan life was filled with rituals such as the sacrifice of both animals and humans, reading of omens in the weather or birds, and predicting the future by looking at entrails or internal organs.
-Historic Mysteries

The Mesopotamians

Ancient Mesopotamian rituals mostly involve making offerings and sacrifices in the temples to please the Gods. Many Mesopotamian texts have described these rituals to be 'magical'. Rituals could be performed on a daily basis or some could be performed yearly.
-Ancient Mesopotamian

The recovery of about 2,000 burials attested to the practice of human sacrifice on a large scale. At or even before the demise of a king or queen, members of the court — handmaidens, warriors and others — were put to death. 
-Word Press

Shang Dynasty 

"written records from Shang and the subsequent Zhou dynasties, suggest that a amalgamation of ancestor worship, natural totemism and shamanism practices were present in the Shang society. "
"A sizable portion of the oracle bones uncovered in Shang archaeological sites contain script specifically concerning human sacrifice (see figure 2 above).These written records are also corroborated by the discovery of numerous sacrificial mass-graves in those sites"
-Penn State 'Keren Wang'

The Chimú 

Archaeologists told the AFP news agency that some of the bodies in this latest collection still had hair and skin when they were dug up. The children show signs of being killed during wet weather and were buried facing the sea, meaning they were probably sacrificed to appease the Chimú’s Gods. The Chimú peoples resided along Peru’s northern coast and were one of the region’s most powerful civilizations. They reached prominence between 1200 and 1400 before being conquered by the Incas, who were in turn conquered by the Spanish.

The Mayans

From the pre-Columbian era, human sacrifices were pretty common in Maya culture. The Maya civilization covered a large area of land which included southeastern Mexico and northern Central America. The reasoning behind this ritual was due to the belief that it was offering of nourishment to the gods. The sacrifice of a living creature was a powerful offering and a human sacrifice was the ultimate one. The nacom, or official, used a sacrificial knife to cut into the victims chest and pull out the heart. He then would pass the heart to the priest, known as the chilan, where then the blood would be smeared onto the image of the god. Once this occurred, the body was thrown down the steps and skinned by assistant priests but the hands and feet were left alone. The chilan then wore the skin of the victim and performed a ritual dance of rebirth.
-Scholar Blogs

The Lydians

The Lydians built impregnable fortresses, monumental royal tombs, built complex artificial reservoirs. In the Lydian religion, the cults of dying and resurrecting deities, and the orgiastic mysteries in their honor were widely used. Lydian culture had an impact on the Greek, and also gave Greece a number of cultural achievements of the East.
-About History.com

The Incans

Spanish chroniclers argued that the most common sacrificial techniques were “…strangulation, a blow to the head, asphyxia, or burying the victim alive after being ritually inebriated”-JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ANTHROPOLOGY

As the Incas were a civilization that was polytheistic, there were many different gods that they believed in and worshipped. Each one of these gods had a different appearance and different attributes. The Incas believed that these gods possessed special powers that influenced certain aspects of nature around them, so the Incas woud often worship these gods in order to please them. The Incas held in high esteem five major deities that they relied upon in order for their society to function properly. -Ancient Inca Religions

Coricancha: Inca Temple of the Sun in Cusco,the Coricancha complex was largely dismantled in the 17th century to build the Catholic Church of Santo Domingo atop the Inca foundations. -Thought Co

John Wesley Powell

"Smithsonian scientists identified at least 17 skeletons that stood at over seven feet in their annual reports, including one example that was 8 feet tall, and a skull with a 36-inch circumference reported from Anna, Illinois in the Smithsonian Annual Report of 1873, (an average human skull is about 20 inches in circumference). The Smithsonian Institution is mentioned dozens more times as the recipient of enormous skeletons from across the entire United States." -Ancient Origins

Who are these "ancient giants"?

Geologist and western explorer, Powell led an expedition to the Grand Canyon in the 1870's. He was first director of the Bureau of American Ethnology at the Smithsonian from its founding in 1879 until his death in 1902.- Smithsonian

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List of Occult Holidays, Rituals, Ancient Languages

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Secret Societies

7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.-2 Thessalonians 2:7

Hellfire Club

The first Irish incarnation of The Hellfire Club rented that very same hunting lodge for their meetings from 1735 until 1741. Their motto was “Do what thou wilt” and it’s members were some of the elite of society and included peers of the realm, high ranking army officers as well as wealthy gentlemen and artists (freemasons all). -Stolen History
Ancient Passage Tomb Discovered Beneath “Haunted” Hellfire Club of Dublin - Ancient Origins

The Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded in London during the 19th century.  One of its most famous members was the (notoriously eccentric) poet W.B. Yeats, who joined the society in 1890 after moving to London.


The most secret of secret societies,the Rosicrucians gained ancient wisdom that enabled them to create a science greatly in advance of their contemporaries in the fifteenth century. Since the seventeenth century, rumours have credited the Rosicrucians with accomplishing the transmutation of metals,possessing the means of prolonging life,having the knowledge to see and to hear what is occurring in distant places,and enjoying the ability to detect secret and hidden objects. -Occultworld

The School Of Night

The late 16th century group in London who were rumored to  included many notable figures such as Christopher Marlowe and Walter Raleigh

Jekyll Island Club

Jekyll Island  gave birth to the Federal Reserve and many of the elite vacationed here up until the 20's & 30's. The history of this island and what was going on there is quite interesting.


"Why should we not form a Secret Society with but one object, the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole world under British Rule, for the recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible."
-Cecil Rhodes 'Confession of Faith' 1877

Vril Society

“Vril occultists worked in complete secrecy doing anything that would promote Aryan power. This ranged from straightforward political assassinations, through to evoking the spirits of the dead, human sacrifice and summoning mysterious energies – or Vril – through sexual orgies.”  -NewsPunch


"Freemasons belong to the oldest fraternal organization in the world, a group begun during the Middle Ages in Europe as a guild of skilled builders." - History

The Fabian Society

Thus one might describe the tactics of the Fabian Society as one of "intellectual guerrilla warfare" against free market societies.
HG Wells, known as the father of science fiction, his other writings included causes for a one world government and strongly believed in eugenics labeling inferior races as useless eaters. He interviewed Joseph Stalin multiple times and  stated I have never met a man more candid, fair and honest, and to these qualities it is, and to nothing occult and sinister, that he owes his tremendous undisputed ascendency in Russia." This society still remains today with the goal of one thing, one world society.

Theosophical Society


Theosophy (literally, “divine wisdom”) was a spiritual doctrine developed by Helena P. Blavatsky in the 1870s. Madame Blavatsky stated that the most important goal of the Theosophical Society was to revive the work of Ammonius Saccas. He is the reputed founder of the Neoplatonic School 1700 years ago. The work of that school, she said, was “to reconcile all religions, sects and nations under a common system of ethics, based on eternal verities.”-Encyclopedia

Another member of this society was Margaret Sanger who was the founder of planned parenthood and avid supporter of eugenics.
Still operates today "The Thosophical Society, Point Loma"

Ordo Templi Orientis


Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) Quasi-Mason magical order founded in Germany in 1901 and focused on sex magic as the key to Hermetic and Masonic secrets. -Occultworld
Jack Parsons born in 1914, Parsons helped to not just put space exploration on the map, he was one of the gifted scientists who helped create it. became the leader of the Las Angeles group and invited other initiates like L Ron Hubbard.- Vintage News
"both victims had had their eyeballs stabbed with a knife and the tips of their ears cut off in the exact same way. All over their bodies were found a series of dozens of puncture marks from what appeared to be a very large veterinarian needle, all in identical locations across the two corpses, through which it seems that nearly every drop of their blood had been removed to leave them lifeless, bloodless husks. there was evidence of numerous items related to the cult group called the Ordo Templi Orientis"-Mysterious Unsolved Crimes
Still operates today "O.T.O"

The Black Circle


Lord Tregedar belonged to an occult secret society in London called The Black Circle. Prince Charles and Lady Diana made a brief visit to the House but this was small beer compared with the lavish entertaining that Evan enjoyed so much. The famous mixed with the unknown and many society figures of the 'twenties and 'thirties were regular guests. These included H G Wells, Godfrey Winn, Prince Paul of Greece and Lady Cunard. He kept a strange menagerie too which enhanced his notoriety.
 Aleister Crowley "the wickedest man in the world" went to stay at Tredegar House where Evan proudly revealed his Black Magick room — ‘far greater than I thought!’ marvelled Crowley. -The Daily Mail
Intriguing fact is the paradox he was chamberlain to Pope Pius XI and at the same time dabbler in the Black Arts.

Order of Nine Angles

Its short-term goal is to undermine what it caricatures as a decadent Judeo-Christian society, with an emphasis placed on real-world acts, the aim being a new imperial civilization based a cruel mixture of Social Darwinism, Satanism, and Fascism. Adherents are encouraged to secretly infiltrate organizations such as the military or Christian churches in order to destabilize them from within. Those who progress through the ONA's hierarchical ranks are required to undertake various tasks, including forming their own small groups to prove their leadership abilities, with the result that a decentralized network of associated bodies exists throughout various countries.
-BBC News

Order of the Star in the East

The report alleged fraud by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and sex scandals involving Charles W. Leadbeater and young boys in 1906. However, in spite of the attacks, the OSE survived. In 1911, Krishnamurti was claimed to be "the chosen Vehicle of the Lord Maitreya-Bodhisattva-Christ."

Skull & Bones

Skull and Bones, secret society of senior (fourth-year undergraduate) students at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, that was founded in 1832. Male society members are called Bonesmen, and many have ascended after graduation to positions of prominence in business or government. Three of them—William Howard Taft, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush—became U.S. presidents.- Britannica

Palladian Order - The Men of Skull and Bones-AR Secret Society

The German Thule Society

People who have studied about the Thule society say that it was the real inspiration of Nazism. After all, a number of Nazi leaders were a part of the Thule. Founded in August 1919 in Munich, even Adolf Hitler was associated with the society as a 'visiting brother'. Thule apparently believed in bringing upon the New World Order in a rather simple and effective way -killing people and reducing the population. Apart from practising sexual magic, racist chants, and black magic, Thule members were often known to take part in 'supernatural' exhibitions where they would invite demons and ask for their guidance. Some say that it was a demonic ritual on the sexually impotent Hitler that made him into the sadistic killer the world got to later know him as. -India Times

Ashoka’s Secret Society of Nine Men

“Nine Unknown Men”, is a secret society founded by the Mauryan Emperor Asoka around 270 BC to preserve and develop knowledge that would be dangerous to humanity if it fell into the wrong hands. The nine unknown men were entrusted with guarding nine books of secret knowledge.- Sanskriti Magazine

The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar also played an important role in the introduction of sophisticated bookkeeping and accounting system as well as in the negotiable instrument which was one of the most important inventions in medieval financial system introduced by the Italian bankers in the 13th century.- English History

Black Hand secret Serbian society

The society was formed (1911) and led by Col. Dragutin Dimitrijević; its members were primarily army officers with some government officials. Operating from Belgrade, it conducted propaganda campaigns, organized armed bands in Macedonia (before the Balkan Wars, 1912–13), and established a network of revolutionary cells throughout Bosnia. Within Serbia it dominated the army and wielded tremendous influence over the government by terrorizing officials; it became so powerful that its authority challenged that of the government.- Britannica

Bilderberg Group

Bilderberg Meetings, annual meetings attended by 120 to 150 political leaders, government officials, and experts from industry, finance, media, and academia in Europe and North America. After each conference a private report of the meeting is circulated only to past and present participants, and in the report speakers are identified only by their country. The meetings were initiated by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and took their name from the hotel at Oosterbeek, Netherlands, where the first conference was held in 1954. An international steering committee generally selects different delegates each year. - Britannica see also: Bilderberg Meetings

The Knights of Pythias

Justus H. Rathbone worked as a citizen nurse in the United States Hospital in Germantown, PA where he met Robert A. Champion and read to him the ritual of our order. Robert Champion offered to help create the first lodge. The Order of Knights of Pythias is an international, non-sectarian fraternal order, and was the first fraternal order to be chartered by an Act of Congress.-Pythias

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows

The first lodge established on this continent was Shakespere, No. 1, New York city, 26 Dec. 1806. The five Odd Fellows composing this lodge were of the Loyal Independent Order and the moving spirits were Solomon Chambers and his son John C., English mechanics from the south of London.-Odd Fellows

The Order of the Defeated Dragon

(Latin: Societas Draconistarum, lit. "Society of the Dragonists") was a monarchical chivalric order for selected nobility, founded in 1418 by Sigismund, King of Hungary (r. 1387–1437) and later Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1433–1437). It was fashioned after the military orders of the Crusades, requiring its initiates to defend the cross and fight the enemies of Christianity, in particular the Ottoman Turks. The Order flourished during the first half of the 15th century, primarily in Germany and Italy- Roman Empire Association

A∴A∴ Argenteum Astrum

The A∴ A∴ in its present form, was first established by the Master Therion in the year 1905, and the following overview was written in Cefalù in 1921 e.v. -Astrum Argenteum


They were said to abduct Jewish children, and because of this rumor they sometimes came under police supervision. -Occult Health


Articles showing false prophets, twisted church doctrine, imposters and cults on the rise. 

“Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.”
Isaiah 5:14

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness."
Mathew 23:2

Santa Muerte: The rise of Mexico’s death 'saint'

"With readings, hymns and communion, Daniel Santana's Sunday service could pass for a traditional Catholic Mass, if it were not for the cloaked skeletons and skulls that surround him."

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Kenneth Copeland Drinks Blood?

"During Kenneth Copeland's bloody communion performance, his assertion was that he would become one with Christ by the mixing of blood. "

Video Link Here

" he directed his congregation to do the same."

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General Michael Flynn Calls On America To Become “ONE RELIGION”

“Michael Flynn’s statements are both unacceptable & anti-American,” the American Jewish Congress said. “Such dangerous rhetoric runs counter to American values and threatens the foundations of our democracy.”  

Israel 365

 "prayer TO the Archangels (very wrong), talking about the Seven Rays of Light (esoteric, demonic teaching) and using a lot of language from the “Ascended Masters I AM” cult (not good!)."

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Bethel and their ‘apostolic grave-sucking culture’ still continues.

"Recently a post demonstrating ‘grave-sucking’ was put up on Facebook by Jeff Jansen and we are aware that Apostle Bill Johnson has worked alongside the apostolic ministry of Jeff Jansen for over a decade. What makes them both so dangerous is that they believe in a false pneumatology of the Holy Spirit. "

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Christian Transhumanist Association

"In the next decade, Transhumanism may become the single most influential bioethical issue in our society due to its core mission to redefine what it means to be human. Subsequently, Transhumanism is going to encompass every current bioethical issue: abortion, stem cell research, cloning, euthanasia, etc. because these specific areas of research are the tools by which Transhumanists seek to attain their ideal post-human form."

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Video Library:

Some of this information comes from a scientific or biblical perspective that I may not subscribe to, but the resources and information gathered in them provide excellent data for research.

What the eyes see and the ears hear......the mind believes -Harry Houdini

The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; The Lord raises those who are bowed down; The Lord loves the righteous.
Psalm 146:8
They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see;
Psalm 115:5

WW2 The Vril Society

“The Vril society was dedicated to evil,” says historian Michael Fitzgerald. “Through their control of the Nazi party they committed the greatest acts of evil in the 20th Century.

Horrific Ghost Stories of London: Cities of the Underworld

Behind every myth and legend is the terrifying truth that sheds light on one of the darkest periods of this city's history.

Dark Clouds Over Elberton

The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones.

The Occult History of NASA: Crowley-Parsons, Babalon Working and Satanic Rituals

NASA's real history was exposed; a history of occultism and Luciferianism. 

Cannibal Isles: Cannibalism & Human Sacrifice in the South Pacific

Discover which islands practiced cannibalism and why their cultural beliefs and faiths compelled them to sacrifice and eat humans.

Native American Chief tells the secrets of the Ancient Serpent Mounds

 The serpent mounds with footage and amazing insights as to their origin and the Nephilim, "Alien" Watcher significance.

The Secret History of Black Magic Revealed

What is happening right under our noses.

Virgins of the Sun and Incan Human Sacrifice

Scientology, The CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse

 This video contains information that many viewers will find extremely disturbing, involving the ritual abuse of children

This 1967 Recording Explains Everything Hapening Today

What we are seeing on the news is just the beginning. 

Giant Skeleton Tomb Unearthed

Brothers Jim and Bill Vieira discover a previously unknown hidden chamber where they believe a giant skeleton may be buried.

The Mysterious Horned Skulls of Pennsylvania


These artifacts tell a story of ancient civilizations, Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contracts, and mysterious technological advancements. Are these discoveries proof that the Bible is true? 

The Brotherhood of Darkness

Presents by Dr. Stanley Monteith. It is impossible to understand the unfolding of world events without the information contained in this video

Lars Backstrom, Necronomicon 2019, "In Search of the Lost Kitab-Al-Azif"

Interesting Reads:


The term Kiva was originally derived from a Hopi word meaning “ceremonial room” and was adopted by early twentieth-century archaeologists.

Colorado Encyclopedia

Black Magic Revealed in Two Ancient Curses

•Live Science

In Photos: 'Demon Burials' Discovered in Poland Cemetery

Live Science

Santa Muerte: 

Inspired and Ritualistic Killings


The Osireion: 

The Oldest Megalithic Temple In Egypt
