
The government wouldn't do that?!?
News articles, research papers and also information released through FOIA on

Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5

Government Experiments

Browart's research on the subject of government agency involvement in dangerous and often life-threatening human experimentation on unwitting citizens paved the way for a new era in exposure of such unconstitutional practices.


"The plan was part of Operation Artichoke, the intelligence agency's 23 year program of experimenting with exotic poisons and drugs for use in mind and behavior control."


"This laxity by federal authorities enabled Nazi criminals to settle in the United States, secure from prosecution for their atrocities."

Project OFTEN

"The experiments, they began in 1949, ultimately involved a range of sites stretching from San Francisco whorehouses to prestigious U.S. universities."

Willowbrook Experiment

"Dr. Krugman deliberately infected mentally disabled children who were confined at Willowbrook School (NY) with hepatitis B. The school housed 6,000 children in abominable conditions. In one experiment, children were fed excrement containing live hepatitis B virus."

Tuskegee Experiment

"But after the original study failed to produce any useful data, it was decided to follow the subjects until their deaths, and all treatment was halted."

MK Ultra

"To be sure, drugs were part of it," he said, " but so were such other techniques as electric shock, radiation, ultra-sonics, psychosurgery, psychology and incapacitating agents, all of which were referred to in documents I have received"


"To establish a program using psychoenergetics for intelligence applications. Specifically, utilizing that field of psychoenergetics referred to as REMOTE VIEWING."
"during Apollo 14 flight to the moon, astronaut Edgar Mitchell made 150 separate attempts to project his thoughts from inside the space capsule back to an individual on earth. The results of Apollo 14 experiments have been well-documented in detail and are published in the Journal of Parasychology (82)"

Ethics in human experimentation in science-based medicine

"researchers had injected cancer cells into elderly debilitated patients at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn to discover whether their bodies would reject them"


"Allen went on to pioneer the first Manchurian-candidate experiment in which he hypnotized one of his secretaries to kill-with an unloaded gun of course-a second secretary"


"He remembers lying on a table with wires coming out of him like electrodes: “They analyzed us like animals.” He said there were up to 50 other kids there. He believes some of them were later killed."


"relating to teleportation or making a ship disappear"


American scientists agreed that there was evidence that the Soviets were using high intensity radio signals to move Arctic air masses away from their coastline and towards North America. In 1979, Dr. Walter Orr Roberts of the Aspen Institute of Colorado was quoted as saying, "The idea of changing the conductivity of the atmosphere as a weather modification experiment is not ridiculous."


"according to 'REDACTED' he was one of four men who met HITLER and his party when they landed from two submarines in Argentina approximately two and one-half weeks after the fall of Berlin"


" In standard, professional electroshock, doctors gave the subject a single dose of 110 volts, lasting a fraction of a second, once a day or every other day"

A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification

"Over the past twenty years experiments have been conducted on weather modification, particularly on the effects of seedinq clouds with - such materials as silver iodide crystals. The results are limited. Under suitable circumstances it has been possible to augment precipitation by ten to twenty percent, and to reduce the frequency of fire-producing lightning strokes. Effects on hail production have been noted, sometimes suppression and sometimes augmentation." 1966

SRI Data On Chinese Photodiode Experiments

A photosensitive diode held in the palm of a child with paranormal function are report in this paper.


A program for investigating the feasibility of applying paranormal phenomena to the solution of intelligence problems

IONIA Project

"The purpose of the project was to 'exploit the research potential' of 142 criminal sexual psychopaths at Ionia by drugging and interrogating them in the same way foreign agents might be questioned."
Ionia Hospital

Reanimation & Geomagnetic Disturbances

"The condition of the higher nervous activity of 5 dogs which underwent clinical death from electric trauma lasting 11 to 17.5 minutes (considered from their last breath) and were revived with the aid of an autojector pump developed by S.S. Bryukhonenko and a living blood donor was investigated."
"Dogs dead from blood loss were revived after 15 min clinical death. Newborn who died of asphyxiation were revived after 10 min. Those who drowned in salt water were revived after 21 min of clinical death"

Government Monsters

We all tell our children that monsters don't exist. The truth is, they do and are far worse than the imagination can stretch. Erasing history helps hide their cold existence. 

Not wanting to believe your government or medical doctors are capable of such things is a very dangerous game. 

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb

"He presided over medical experiments and ‘special interrogations’ of prisoners, addicts, mentally and terminally ill patients, unwitting citizens and even children"

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Dr. Yuin Cameron

"Cameron’s techniques have no therapeutic validity whatsoever; they were comparable to Nazi medical atrocities. After his “treatments” patients were unable to function; they had been reduced to a state of infancy. "

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Dr. George H. Estabrooks

“I can hypnotize a man — without his knowledge or consent — into committing treason against the United States.” In 1943, Estabrook

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Jack Parsons

'Jack Parsons was one of the most influential figures in the history of the American space program. He was also a Marxist, stood accused of espionage, and held a deep fascination with the occult.'

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Other Articles of interest:

News articles on interesting operations & patents worth reading.

10 Dirty Secret CIA Operations


" permitted to use whatever tactics they see fit to deal with any (real or perceived) threat to American interests."

UnderCover Armies

Survivors of the CIA Torture Program Almost 20 Years Later


"All three were kidnapped by the CIA, and then tortured and experimented on according to Mitchell and Jessen’s protocols. "

Training People to Inflict Pain: State Terror and Social Learning

Research Article: Sagepub

See Also:

"when individuals who are predisposed to obedience are placed in situations in which they are ordered to commit atrocious acts and in which the strain of committing these acts is systematically reduced through training, the likelihood increases that they will become inflictors of pain."

Cable To Henry A. Kissinger

Letter from American Whig-Cliosophic Society Inviting You To Speak At Princeton With A Limited Audience And Off-The-Record Understanding

Where it Counts, U.S. Leads in Artificial Intelligence


How a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus Ended Up in Polio Vaccines

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency 

In this bill, the terms “weapon” and “weapons system” included a device capable of the following: “directing a source of energy, including molecular or atomic energy, subatomic particle beams, electromagnetic radiation, plasma, or extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultralow frequency (ULF) energy radiation, against that object,” “through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.”

With Magnetic Nanoparticles, Scientists Remotely Control Neurons and Animal Behavior

Clusters of heated, magnetic nanoparticles targeted to cell membranes can remotely control ion channels, neurons and even animal behavior, according to a paper published by University at Buffalo physicists in Nature Nanotechnology.

America's shocking secret: Pictures that show how U.S. experimented on its own disabled citizens and prison inmates

Such experiments included giving hepatitis to mental patients in Connecticut, squirting a pandemic flu virus up the noses of prisoners in Maryland, and injecting cancer cells into chronically ill people at a New York hospital.

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."

CIA Documents

"Peripheral effects of EHF with a 60 minute exposure causes restructuring of the cortical brain waves in a healthy individial; this points to the developments of a non-specific activation reaction, ie to an increase in the tone of the cortex."

The OSS Vatican Connection


"The Doctors' Plot, is the first in a series of working papers prepared by the staff of Project CAESAR"
"study all available information on the members of the Soviet hierarchy"

July 14, 1953

"I have reason to believe that I was one of the men involved in the sexual behavioral alteration programs of the Central Intelligence Agency."

August 5, 1977

Stansfield Turner Reveals Mind Experiments
"The Chief of the CIA told the Senate today that 80 instiutions such as colleges, prisons, and hospitals, were used in top-secret mind control research in the Cold War years."

"Specialists have acknowledged that psychological weapons exist. Ant the information media, which have long been a tool for potent varieties of such weapons. But information about the existence also of technical PSI weapons has been confirmed at the same time."
April 28, 1992

Stop Rockefeller's Nazi Doctors

"We possess unimpeachable evidence that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is carrying out a worldwide operation for the subversion and military takeover of the United States and Europe" "Operation Orpheus"

See Also:
Washington Post Blunders In Cover Up CIA Story

Police Plot To Takeover US

Controversial Psychology Experiments

These and other controversial experiments led to the formation of rules and guidelines for performing ethical and humane research studies.

Academic papers from the 1960s reveal how a CIA-funded 'mind control' program came to Australia

Red Symphony, by Dr. J. Landowsky; translated by George Knupffer

Video Library

The Minds Of Men

 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War — a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world we are living in today

Scientology, The CIA, and MIVILUDES: Cults of Abuse

This video contains information that many viewers will find extremely disturbing, involving the ritual abuse of children.

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: A tragedy of race and medicine

CIA'S Human Experiments With Mind Control: Project MK ULTRA

In 1979, just two years after U.S. Senate hearings revealed disturbing information about a secret government mind control program code-named Project MKULTRA, this one-hour documentary covering some of the clandestine, illegal activities involved in this mind control project was released.